Dr. Turkle view on technology is technology separate people physically but at the same time it can connect with us emotionally. In her lecture she talks about how she enjoys using her cellphone to text her daughter. Although, Dr. Turkle is old fashion, meaning she likes to enjoy her daughter's company physically instead of via text. She elaborates on how technology usage can be bad for people. Dr. Turkle emphasizes on how people feel the sense of loneliness even when they use technology to interact with people. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you feel about a person, using technology to explain it will never feel the same as being there physically to vent how you feel. Dr. Turkle uses her new novel "Alone Together" to showcase her thoughts. I agree with Dr. Turkle on how people feel lonely through technology. My feelings are meaningless through the phone if I can not be there to showcase it. People can say "I miss you" through the phone but do not want to pay you a visit.
"We remove ourselves from our grief and our revery and we go into our phones"
Dr. Turkle is lecturing on how people turn to technology to vent their feelings when dealing with real life situations. People do not vent to other people face to face like they used to. People vent through text and social media websites and other applications. People are so used to having short conversations because they are eager to go look on their phone. People use the internet to log onto facebook to post their feelings rather than informing people that are of existence beyond the use of technology. Technology has changed how people act towards each other.
Conversations are not what they use to be before cell phones were invented. People would hang at each other houses and play together. Technology has everybody lazy. In modern times, if you see a group of people they are all on their phones either texting or on any social media application that is popular worldwide. People will get a kick out of feeling good through technology but in real life they are hurting emotionally. People are not showcasing their feelings just because they feel as though people will not listen to them.
"We are tempted by machines that offer companionship"
Many people admire technology. Technology would be the first priority on alot of people list to have. People around the world care less if they have friends. As long as technology treat them good they are satisfied. I ask many people this question if you house caught on fire what 2 things would you save from burning? Many people said said cellphones first and their ipad or ipod second.
Technology changed how people feel about each other. People do not care about each other. People can text other people nice things but when will they see them to act on those feelings. Technology can control what's being said in the conversation. You can delete what you said in the cellphone. But in a face to face however you can not. People will remember what you said whether it is bad or good. People will see technology as a friend because you can control technology. People can not control what is being said about them.
"People want to be with each but be elsewhere"
People do enjoy each other company. But when they are around each other they are on their phones in their own little world. If people are not on their cell phones along with other people you will not get a conversation. People lost sight in dealing with real life. People became antisocial becasue of technology. People rather talk to you on the phone rather then talk face to face.
When it's time to talk to people beyond your personal cellphone, people tend to be shy. People stop talking face to face, therefore they lost the basics of how to hold a conversation. People act like they want to be at a certain place but be all up on their cellphones like they are somewhere by their self. Many individuals do not want to admit the truth about how they really feel. Therefore they use technology to lie for them.
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