Wednesday, September 17, 2014

reflection #1

The progress in WIFYS is giving me the confidence to express myself in a creative way.  Back in high school, I use to hate having to type long papers on various topics that was assigned to my classes. I found typing very boring. To be truthfully honest, English was on of the pet peeves I had in high school beside my peers.  The teacher at the time before my departure from high school did not make it comfortable for me to even give English a chance. According, to my English teacher now English I really enjoy this English class. In order for me to learn well in someone's class, I want to see what type of person the teacher is. First, I will greet the teacher with respect to see the stimulation of the teacher. Usually, I expect professors with doctorate degrees to be cold and heartless beings once I step foot in college.   By saying "hello" or "good morning sir", or "good day Dr.". When I say so thing to ones of higher intelligence I get a good vibe from it. Back in high school I didn't get that vibe from most teachers.  The teachers were stuck up with at most a bachelor's degree to their name. According to me you should not be acting like that when your not that well rounded in your practice.

The reason for me to throw dirt on my high school teachers because I am making a comparison of my college professors to my high school teachers.  I never had a English teacher that gave a crap about the students in my senior year. I guess they see us as graduation-bound so they would cheat to get us there or prevent us from touching a diploma because they don't like a certain student. I knew Dr. Shannon for about close to a month and I feel prepared for her class. I know I can not put the full blame on the teachers, It was my fault for being a bit rebellious to their so called "power". To the teachers that are helping me become a better student in their class just like Dr. Shannon, I would be Dean's list bound. I like a teacher as a person first. I instantly have this good vibe. The vibe I have will be my drive to pass her class.

WIFYS got me to enjoy typing. I used to hate typing back in grade school. In my school we typed once a month. In college, I enjoy bringing my laptop and transporting it to Wright hall for my writing class. I remember back I use computers and laptops for social media purposes such as Facebook and twitter and instagram later on in life. Typing papers was never my forte.  I type too slow to type a essay and a research paper. I get bored after a couple hours. within a couple hours I would still be on the first page.

From being in this class I can fully express myself.  High school back in Philadelphia I could not do that. I feel confident when I step foot in Writing Intensive class. Dr. Shannon gets a kick out of my greetings in the morning when I walk in.  I have a hypothesis that if I just stay consistent from greetings and farewells to the performance in class there is no way I should fail WIFYS.

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